Parcel shipping with GLS means sustainable shipping*.

At GLS, we care about our effect on the world around us. Each parcel and its related logistics and transport processes have an impact on natural resources and cause carbon emissions. We want to continue our mission in connecting people cross-border whilst protecting the environment for future generations. Therefore, climate and environmental protection are central components of our sustainability activities.

With our GLS Climate Protect strategy, we focus on avoidance and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and, furthermore, compensate CO2-emissions additionally and voluntarily reduce the amount of emissions caused by the transportation of parcels, business travel and the use of buildings by investing in various certified climate protection projects in cooperation with ClimatePartner.

*Compensation of greenhouse gas emissions resulting from parcel shipping by investing into climate protection projects. More information here .

Hand in hand for sustainable shipping

Protecting our climate is not only important to us, but also to our customers. As we not only focus on avoiding and reducing greenhouse gas emissions, but also voluntarily offset unavoidable CO2 emissions caused by our transportation of parcels, business trips and the use of buildings, your parcels are shipped sustainably with us. Together, we take responsibility for climate protection.


With the Klima Protect emblem you show that you value sustainable parcel shipping. Being a GLS business customer, you of course may use the emblem for your own communication.

Please get in touch with your contact at GLS. Our colleague will gladly support you in receiving the Klima Protect emblem.


As a business customer, you can receive a compensation certificate, issued by our partner ClimatePartner (Munich, Germany), which confirms your contribution to offsetting emissions through climate protection projects.

This way you can visibly prove your commitment to sustainable parcel shipping.

Please get in touch with your contact at GLS. Our colleague will gladly support you in receiving the Klima Protect certificate.

GLS-eVan-in-the-country-side GLS-eVan-in-the-country-side

Climate Protect: Sustainable shipping based on two pillars

GLS Climate Protect and our sustainable parcel shipping are primarily based on the avoidance and reduction of the greenhouse gas emissions caused by our business activities. The compensation of all remaining influences and emissions that have not yet been avoided form the second pillar of our focussed CO2-neutral delivery.

We invest in sustainability

We focus on a wide range of investments in all areas of our business, including energy efficiency, the use of renewable energy and the avoidance & compensation of negative environmental impacts. We are convinced that sustainable success can be only achieved when economy, ecology and social issues accompany each other.

Christian Schöninger, Managing Director at GLS Austria

We are comitted in creating an organization that meets all the needs of the world around us. Our goal is to achieve economic sussess in a sustainable manner and in connection with the protection of our enviroment. Not only do we owe this to future generations, it is genuinely the least we can do for them.

Christian Schöninger, Managing Director at GLS Austria

Our investments in sustainability

Depots and infrastructure

We explicitly consider ecological and social aspects in all new buildings, replacements and extensions. For environmentally friendly equipment, we invest on a broad scale in modern, environmentally friendly techniques. The use of photovoltaics, recyclable building materials, heat pumps as well as efficient lighting technology and thermally insulated buildings play an important role. In all GLS Austria locations we use 100% green electricity from renewable energy sources.

Transitioning the vehicle fleet towards eMobility

We aim to gradually switch the entire fleet to zero-emission and low-emission vehicles* – our transport partners’ fleet as well as our own company car fleet.

Moreover, we establish the necessary charging infrastructure in our depots for the continuous electric vehicles transition.

*This means vehicles that during operation create either significantly lower emissions than diesel- and gasoline-powered vehicles (e.g. LPG, CNG or LNG vehicles) or no emissions (e.g. electric or hydrogen vehicles).

Local micro depots

In order to optimize transport processes in city logistics and to promote emission-free delivery in city centers, we are setting up micro depots. From here, emission-free e-vehicles go on delivery tours. This saves transport routes, reduces noise and thus protects people and the environment.

Minimizing transport routes

To improve operating processes and transport routes, we count on state-of-the-art, IT-assisted planning instruments. This is how we manage to systematically optimize our transport routes and thus to avoid greenhouse gas emissions.

Eberhard Thiele, Director Sales & Marketing

The discrepancy between economic and climate-friendly decisions often seems insurmountable, nevertheless is essential to meet both requirements equally, as it is the only way to achive sustainability. Focussed climate-neutral shipping increased our costs and thus our prices unfortunately. But even if it seems a lot at first sight and has a significant impact, in the long term it is an inevitable investment in the future of our planet.

Eberhard Thiele, Director Sales & Marketing

Sustainable city logistics

Through innovative and smart solutions and the use of e-vehicles, we not only actively relieve the burden on urban infrastructures, but also reduce emissions on the last mile. The increasing number of our e-vehicles, the continuous expansion of our ParcelShop and ParcelStation network for additional delivery options and the use of micro-depots help us to make parcel logistics even more efficient and sustainable.


We rely on local power generation and therefore use the roofs of our depots for photovoltaic systems.

The use of sunligth not only enables us to be as self-sufficient as possible, but furthermore also reduces our CO2 footprint.


With the gradual conversion to emission-free & low-emission vehicles*, we are continuing to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions of our fleet.

For sustainable and efficient delivery, we are increasingly using eBikes and eScooters in larger cities.

*These are vehicles that either produce significantly lower emissions than diesel and petrol vehicles (e.g. LPG, CNG or LNG vehicles) or no emissions (e.g. electric or hydrogen vehicles).


A forward-looking infrastructure and emission-free & low-emission vehicle fleet* are one thing, sustainable use of resources is another.

The entire GLS workforce has actively commited itself to energy-saving behaviour and sustainabe use of resources.

Tips and tricks for saving energy are implemented both in offices and in all our depots.

*These are vehicles that either produce significantly lower emissions than diesel and petrol vehicles (e.g. LPG, CNG or LNG vehicles) or no emissions (e.g. electric or hydrogen vehicles).

Clemens Prast, Director Finance & Administration at GLS Austria

As a global parcel service, we are fully aware of our responsibility towards environment and society. Accordingly, wherever possible and sensible, we pay attention to environmental compatibility and future orientation when making purchases, be it in the area of facility management or company vehicles. We will continue to do so to create sustainable conditions for the future.

Clemens Prast, Director Finance & Administration at GLS Austria

These projects ensure climate compensation

Despsite all efforts, an emission-free parcel logistics unfortunately can't be implemented at this point of time. For this reason, we have chosen four certified and internationally recognized climate projects in which we invest.

We voluntary offset the carbon emissions generated by transportation of parcels and freight shipments by participating GLS companies, and buildings and business travel of such companies through our cooperation with ClimatePartner . Click here or further information.

Climate neutral are companies, processes and products whose upstream and downstream greenhouse gas emissions have been calculated according to recognized standards and norms and have been avoided through reduction measures or compensated for through additional climate protection projects elsewhere. Climate compensation is an important component of holistic climate protection next to the avoidance and reduction of negative environmental impacts.

The upstream and downstream greenhouse gas emissions generated by the parcel transport, business travel and the use of buildings of GLS Austria are compensated through certified climate protection projects in cooperation with our compensation partner ClimatePartner. In doing so, we compensate all greenhouse gas emissions "well-to-wheel" - from generation to consumption - for transport and service vehicles, flights, heating and water, paper and waste, at all of our locations.

In accordance with industry standards (VCS/CCB/GS VER standard) we currently support forest conservation projects and projects to promote the expansion of renewable solar and wind energy.

You will find a precise definition of the standards just mentioned in the next question.

The supported projects meet the Gold Standard (GS) or Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) in conjunction with the Climate, Community and Biodiversity Standard (CCBS).

GS (developed by WWF and other environmental organizations) and VCS (developed by the non-governmental organization VERRA) are standards for voluntary emissions trading. The Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) is a widely recognized global standard for certifying greenhouse gas emissions reduction and removal projects and provides a framework to ensure the accuracy, transparency, and credibility of carbon offset projects, which generate carbon credits or carbon reductions (VERs).

The Gold Standard (GS) is another internationally recognized standard for certifying carbon offset projects. What sets it apart is its strong focus on sustainability and co-benefits, such as social and environmental impacts in addition to emissions reductions. Projects certified under the Gold Standard adhere to rigorous criteria, making them not only carbon-neutral but also contributing positively to sustainable development and environmental protection.

Climate protection projects require four criteria: Additionality, no double counting, permanent savings and regular independent verification.

The criteria of additionality is not met for many projects in the EU because various funding programmes already cover the economic aspects of e.g. the expansion of renewable energies.

Double counting can only be avoided if it is ensured that the savings of greenhouse gas emissions achieved by a project are not already counted elsewhere. Savings achieved in the EU are usually directly accounted towards a country's national greenhouse gas balance and thus only contribute to achieving the climate targets of the respective country and the EU.

These are vehicles that either produce significantly lower emissions than diesel and petrol vehicles (e.g. LPG, CNG or LNG vehicles) or no emissions (e.g. electric or hydrogen vehicles).

In this way, you not only make an important contribution to environmental protection, but also retain customers who expect sustainable delivery processes.