Environmental protection

Protecting our environment is a guiding principle at GLS – and one that is brought to life by employees across Europe. In 2008, GLS launched its ThinkGreen environmental initiative in order to coordinate and proactively foster the diverse array of activities within the GLS Group.

The objectives: responsible handling of resources, the reduction of emissions and the optimisation of waste disposal. We think and act in an environmentally friendly manner in all areas of the company: from transport planning and buildings through to individual workplaces. Environmental Officers are employed at all GLS national subsidiaries in Europe; it’s their job to ensure the implementation of Group-wide environmental protection measures.

Climate Protect measures

GLS is committed to green parcel shipping across the Group through targeted measures.
The goal is to use resources as efficiently as possible and to optimise processes.

  • Vehicles
    Conversion of the vehicle fleet

    GLS is increasing fuel efficiency and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. All vehicles in the fleet – i.e. those used by our transport partners and the in-house fleet of company cars – are gradually being replaced with more eco-friendly models.

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  • Electric vehicles
    Increased use of electric vehicles

    GLS is increasingly turning to alternative delivery methods, with natural gas vehicles, battery-powered vehicles, scooters, cargo trikes and even in-line skates all used to deliver parcels. These vehicles reduce our emissions and complement our existing fleet.

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  • Transport planning
    Journey minimisation

    GLS uses state-of-the-art, IT-assisted planning instruments to improve operating processes and transport routes. Journey lengths are systematically minimised through optimised route planning.

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  • Sites
    Green construction

    GLS builds in an eco-friendly way, with environmental aspects explicitly factored into new builds, replacement buildings and extension projects. The use of rainwater, photovoltaic technology, recyclable building materials and heat pumps plays a vital role.

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