Be aware of phishing mails posing as GLS

Please do not click on links in emails, asking you to pay for a fee, customs, taxes or similar. GLS emails are always sent from the following adresses:,,, and

Safety advice

Scams are becoming increasingly common online and in e-mails. Criminals are misusing the GLS name and sending out fake e-mails, especially to private individuals but also to companies. These often contain demands for payment. Recipients of such e-mails should on no account pay the requested amounts.

GLS will never send e-mails requesting that goods be paid for using an online payment system, credit card or bank transfer. GLS does not offer a cash-on-delivery service. Delivery drivers will therefore not collect any payments for parcels.

Fraudulent e-mails frequently include spelling and grammatical errors, as well as blurred company logos. If the sender is unknown, attachments and links should generally not be opened.

GLS shall not be liable for any damage resulting from fraudulent activities by third parties who abuse the name of GLS.

Fake inquiries using the GLS name

There are currently several types of fake text messages and e-mails in circulation, regarding pick-up of parcels.

Please be aware that if you receive a GLS parcel notification, the following will always be clearly stated:

- that it comes from GLS (e.g. correct header)

- your personal parcel number

- who sent you the parcel

If you have any doubts whatsoever – do not click any links or open any attachments.