In case that your parcel is damaged or lost, please fill out the appropriate report.
Complaints, claims
The damage and loss ratio of GLS is consistently at a very low level, because GLS sets great store by reliability. If you, nevertheless are not satisfied with our service, please let us know. This will also help us to further improve our service quality.
Each parcel is identified by a unique parcel number
In order to investigate your complaint as quickly as possible, please always provide the parcel number.
Damage Claim
If you are claiming compensation for damage or loss of a shipment, please fill out the form below.
Contact us if you need to solve a problem related to the execution of our services, as well as situations that are not directly related to parcel delivery.
Lost Parcel Claim
This way you can inform us that it is necessary to start the search for the parcel.
COD Claim
You can use the form below to initiate any complaints related to the cash on delivery collection service.
Contact us
Contact our customer service for any additional information.