Distribution systems
Modern data processing systems must be prompt, reliable and integrated. GLS clients can access standardized adaptable distributions systems that adapt to all requirements and volumes.
Convenient and effective solution for your customers
The possibility of choosing from a rapidly growing network of pick-up points
Information about opening hours
Multiple payment options
Time flexibility to pick up the parcel
Barrier-free access or weekend opening hours
Pick-up points capacity indicators
Notification of availability
A list of dispensing points is available for the following countries:
- SK – Slovakia
- CZ – Czech Republic
- SI – Slovenia
- HU – Hungary
- HR – Croatia
- RO – Romania
Starting position on the map
- Parameter: p
- When opening the map, the parameter will be centered on the specified address. If the parameter is not specified, the map will try to center on the location detected from the browser. Location services must be enabled for this.
Choice of pickup points country
- Parameter: ctrCode
- URL preview: https://plugin.gls-slovakia.sk/?ctrCode=CZ
- Default value: SK
- Allows you to display the pickup points of the defined country on the map. It is not possible to display several countries on the map at the same time. Available values are: CZ, SK, SI, HU, HR, RO
Display of the pickup point
- Variable: sid
- Default value: null
- Using the "sid" variable, when initializing the map, it is possible to display the pickup point directly according to its ID. All other variable positions are ignored.
Button for selecting the pickup point
- Parameter: find
- URL preview: https://plugin.gls-slovakia.sk/?find=1
- Default value: 0
- If the parameter value is 1, a button to confirm the selection of the pickup point will be displayed in the window. This is necessary if you select the pickup point via link.
Return address for the selected pickup point
- Parameter: returnUrl
- Default value: null
- Allows you to set the address where information should be returned.
Return address for the selected pickup point with its own data
- Parameter: encodeVar
- URL preview: https://plugin.gls-slovakia.sk/?returnUrl=https://google.com&encodeVar=e25hbWU6J0pvaG4nLHN1cm5hbWU6J0RvZSd9&find=1
- Default value: null
- Allows you to return a custom variable along with the standard parameters of the selected pickup point. We recommend using some encryption of your data
Group filters
- Parameter: nogroup (array)
- URL preview: https://plugin.gls-slovakia.sk/?exclude[]=AlzaBoxSK
- Default value: null
- Enables turning off the defined groups of pickup points. Available groups:
- AlzaBoxSK
- GlsPL
- GlsPS
Display without header
- Parameter: noHeader
- URL preview: https://plugin.gls-slovakia.sk/?noHeader=1
- Improves the use of available space, especially with smaller screens.
Language variations
- URL preview: https://plugin.gls-slovakia.sk/en/
- The map is primarily displayed in English.
Pickup point selection
- In addition to the option to set the return address of the pickup point, after clicking the "Confirm selection" button, the system will use the "postMessage" method and data in event.data.
postMessage received by 'Home | GLS' from 'https://plugin.gls-slovakia.sk' with data: { "id": "7977", "oldId": "SK96001-PARCELLOCK01", "title": "Balíkomat Obchodná (TPD)", "address": "Zvolen, Obchodná 11", "postalcode": "96001", "street": "Obchodná 11", "city": "Zvolen", "countrycode": "SK", "isparcellocker": true } |

Contact us
To work properly, you will need the API key, which is published in the implementation guide.
If you need a specially customized list of pick up points locations, you will need a custom API key.
In this case, please contact your sales representative or sales@gls-slovakia.sk