Sending and receiving parcels in Krosno has become fast and convenient since GLS Szybka Paczka outlets are available in the city. Currently, there are 16 of them in the town, and the main branch is located at 35 Lotników Street, 38-200 Krosno.

Thus, Krosno courier is characterized by high accessibility, as the points in the city are located in service establishments and stores, which are often open in the evenings, as well as on Saturdays. This makes it possible to both send and receive a parcel at a convenient time. So we invite you to visit the Szybka Paczka points in Krosno.

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The Szybka Paczka points - Krosno

On the GLS website, you will find a search engine, thanks to which you can easily find the nearest Szybka Paczka outlet in Krosno. There you will also check the opening hours of each facility. Remember that courier companies in Krosno accept only properly packed packages.

You can find all the requirements for packing parcels at GLS in the terms and conditions available on our website. However, it is worth noting that GLS carries parcels weighing up to 31.5 kg and with dimensions of no more than 300 cm (the total sum of the circumference and length of the longest side of the parcel). You can send and receive domestic and international parcels at GLS Szybka Paczka points in Krosno.

Szybka Paczka points map

See our other branches in the podkarpackie voivodship:

Parcel shipping - Krosno

Courier shipments Krosno has never been so easy to send, thanks to the Szybka Paczka service. There are more than a dozen points in the city where you can successfully send and receive a package. They are located throughout the city, so the nearest facility is certainly not far from your home or you pass it every day, for example, on your way to or from work. Krosno GLS courier is an excellent solution for both individuals and companies.

Szybka Paczka points can be used by those who rarely send parcels, but also by those who do it regularly. To use GLS services at a Szybka Paczka point, all you have to do is come with your parcel. You can pack it in advance or do it on the spot, as long as the point allows you to purchase the appropriate cartons or envelopes. On the spot, you need to fill out a label.

The parcel is then given a tracking number so that you can keep track of where the parcel is, and also redirect it if it is not possible for you to pick it up at the previously indicated location. This is a convenient solution especially for busy people who are unable to predict where they will happen to be when the Krosno courier shows up with the package.

the courier is delivering a parcel

Global parcels

Learn how to send a parcel ouside the Europe

girl is looking on the european map

Internacional parcels

Learn how to send parcel to European countries