Bielawa is a charming town in Lower Silesia province located in the Sudeten Foreland. It has a population of nearly 30,000. To ensure that its citizens can comfortably enjoy sending and receiving parcels, GLS Szybka Paczka outlets operate here. As many as 7 conveniently located outlets can be found throughout the city, one of which is the GLS Poland Branch located at 14 Jerzego Popiełuszki Street, 58-260 Bielawa.

The Szybka Paczka points - Bielawa

Courier services in Bielawa are available at any Szybka Paczka location in GLS. To check the nearest location, just use the search engine on the site. There you will also find the exact opening hours of each facility. It is worth noting that the courier in Bielawa will only accept a properly packed package and one that meets the regulatory requirements.

So before you decide to send a particular item, check on the GLS website whether it is possible and how it should be packed. Remember that the parcel cannot weigh more than 31.5 kg, and its dimensions cannot exceed 300 cm (this is the sum of the circumference of the parcel and the length of its longest side). In Bielawa you can send and receive both domestic and international parcels. The former can reach the addressee as early as the next day, international parcels are delivered within 2-6 working days.

Use the search engine available on our website to check where to send or receive courier shipments in Bielawa closest to you.

Szybka Paczka points map

See our other branches in the dolnośląskie voivodship:

Parcel shipping - Bielawa

GLS is a successful courier company in Bielawa. The availability of Szybka Paczka points is an excellent solution for individuals and businesses. Most of these outlets are located in stores or service establishments open in the evening and on Saturdays. This allows you to take advantage of courier services in Bielawa at affordable times.

Courier shipments in Bielawa can be sent and picked up at GLS Bielawa outlets. If you want to send a package, all you have to do is bring it already packed to the selected point. In some outlets you can also purchase the appropriate size cardboard boxes and pack the items on the spot. At the points, you need to fill out the label you receive, which you then stick on the parcel. Each package is given a tracking number, which allows you to check where the shipment is currently located. It is also a necessary element that allows you to redirect it. For example, when you can't be at the original location of the shipment, you have the option to change the address thanks to redirection. Conveniently, you also have the option to reroute your parcel to Szybka Paczka point of your choice so you can pick it up in person at a time of your choosing.

the courier is delivering a parcel

Global parcels

Learn how to send a parcel ouside the Europe

girl is looking on the european map

Internacional parcels

Learn how to send parcel to European countries