Courier for companies

Gls delivery man delivers a parcel to recipient

Reliable parcel delivery within a specified standard delivery date is GLS's strong point. Domestic parcels usually arrive the next business day. In Europe, delivery time is usually between 48 and 96 hours.

Gls van on the road in Warsaw

Domestic express delivery is always connected to one of the TimeDefiniteServices. The sender decides whether the parcel will be delivered before 10.00 or 12.00 on the next business day (Monday to Friday).


BusinessParcel - A parcel product in domestic parcel delivery.

EuroBusinessParcel - A product of European parcel delivery.


The reliable standard product for national parcel delivery: GLS transports business parcels weighing up to 31.5 kg securely and rapidly within Poland.

There are no distance limits. Standard delivery time for a business parcel on the next working day applies throughout Poland, including the dispatch of business parcels to and from outlying areas.

  • Delivery generally on the next working day
  • Liability up to the value of the goods, maximum PLN 6000 per parcel
  • Shipment tracking in real time
  • Digital recipient’s signature accessible online
  • Second delivery attempt included; for private customers to a GLS Szybka Paczka

Maximum parcel size and weight:
WeightWidthHeightLengthCombined length and girth*
31,5 kg80 cm60 cm200 cm300 m

* Circumference of the parcel plus the longest side


Reliable international shipment: GLS delivers parcels across Europe.

Precisely-coordinated scheduled transports and modern distribution centres link the individual countries. Due to our comprehensive network and uniform systems your parcels reach the consignees within 48-96 hours almost anywhere in Europe.

The service quality is uniformly high throughout Europe – first-class international shipment.

  • Delivery in standard delivery times of 48 to 96 hours
  • Liability according to the Terms and Conditions
  • Continuous international shipment tracking, in many countries in real-time
  • Digital recipient signature
  • Second delivery attempt included; for private customers to a GLS ParcelShop (if available in the country)

Maximum parcel size and weight:
WeightWidthHeightLengthCombined length and girth*
40,0 kg80 cm60 cm200 cm300 m

* Circumference of the parcel plus the longest side


ExpressParcel - Delivery within the country before 10:00 or 12:00 the next business day.

GlobalExpressParcel - Delivery of parcels and documents worldwide.


Reliable national express delivery: GLS delivers parcels within Poland by 10.00 or 12.00 at the latest on the next working day.

When it comes to express delivery, punctuality is everything. The ExpressParcel is always combined with TimeDefiniteServices or SaturdayServices, each gives senders the possibility to choose the time at which the parcel shall be delivered latest.

If an express courier is unable to deliver a parcel within the guaranteed delivery time, a second free-of-charge delivery attempt is made the next working day before end of the working day.

  • Delivery before 10.00 or 12.00 on the next working day
  • Possible delivery on Saturdays
  • Money-back guarantee
  • Liability up to the value of the goods, maximum PLN 6000 per parcel
  • Continuous shipment tracking
  • Digital recipient signature
  • Delivery notification in real time

Maximum parcel size and weight:
WeightWidthHeightLengthCombined length and girth*
31,5 kg80 cm60 cm200 cm300 cm

*Circumference of the parcel plus the longest side


GLS delivers documents and parcels quickly all over the world.

Consignments reach major business centres such as the US, Japan, Hong Kong or Singapore in just a few days.

Deliveries do not take place to countries where the political situation is highly unstable.

  • Easy and fast processing
  • Online shipment tracking
  • Digital recipient signature
  • Second delivery attempt included
  • Liability up to the value of the goods, in accordance with the Montreal Convention

Maximum parcel size and weight:
WeightWidthHeightLengthCombined length and girth*
40,0 kg**80 cm60 cm200 cm300 cm

*Circumference of the parcel plus the longest side

**For exceptions contact your local GLS depot

Shipping services

GLS parcel products and express delivery can be individually combined with a wide range of value-added services.

This way, shipments can be tailored to your specific needs.

Services that match your needs.

Solutions dedicated to e-commerce.

Delivery by 10:00 or 12:00 the next day.



A service where recipients receive a text message with the courier's phone number.

As part of the InfoCourierService, GLS sends recipients a phone number to a courier who will deliver their parcel.

  • possibility of direct contact with the courier and establishing delivery details with him
  • no need to contact the GLS Hotline
  • control over the delivery process
  • shortening the waiting time for a parcel

GLS informs the recipients about the delivery and offers many delivery options to choose from.

Flexible delivery: GLS informs recipients in advance about the delivery of shipments, offering many delivery options to choose from.

As soon as the ordered goods are ready for shipment, recipients receive an e-mail with information about the upcoming delivery of GLS parcel - including the anticipated time frame in which the delivery is to be made.

This allows them to arrange delivery details so that delivery can take place as soon as possible. To meet the needs of recipients, GLS offers a choice of several different delivery options, for example: setting a new delivery date or other address, as well as redirecting the parcel to a GLS Szybka Paczka point. Evening and Saturday delivery options are also available in selected cities in Germany.

Collection of parcels becomes flexible, thanks to which the transport of goods to households is much simpler. The number of inquiries and complaints addressed to senders is also decreasing and the level of recipient satisfaction is increasing.

Benefits for senders:

  • No additional fees
  • Optimized B2C shipping
  • Higher level of customer satisfaction
  • Reduced effort in customer service

Benefits for recipients:

  • Free selection of delivery options
  • Delivery information, including anticipated delivery time frames, is given in advance
  • Possibility of changing the terms of delivery via the Internet without additional charges

Availability: Domestic shipments International connections from Poland to Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Greece, Spain, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Germany, Norway, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Hungary, Great Britain and Italy.

  • Delivery options to choose from before sending the parcel
    • Delivery to Szybka Paczka / ParcelShop pickup point
    • Delivery to a new address
    • Change of delivery date
    • Own collection at the GLS branch
    • Refusal to accept
    • Consent to leaving the parcel without signature (option also available for several European countries)
The availability of a given delivery option depends on the destination country.

Step 1: Startup information

Senders receive the order, prepare it for shipment and send data to GLS via the appropriate shipping system, additionally providing the recipient's e-mail address. In this way, flexible delivery options for a given shipment are activated. GLS informs recipients via e-mail about the incoming shipment and the standard delivery time. In most cases, recipients are also notified of the expected time frame of the courier's visit. Thanks to this, they have greater possibilities to assess whether they will be able to collect the parcel in person. The e-mail message contains links to the GLS mobile application or GLS website - places where all delivery options available for a given shipment are visible. The system automatically "recognizes" the parcel and identifies the appropriate recipient. The best option can be selected without registering or logging into the portal. The content of the message is given in the language of the country to which the parcel is addressed.

Step 2: Information on the estimated delivery time

The data of the parcel taken from the sender are scanned in the GLS depot's. At this point it becomes possible to specify the delivery date. GLS then sends to the recipient two e-mails containing this information along with the anticipated time window in which the courier will arrive (in most cases). The message also contains a link directing you to a page where you can choose the best delivery option.

Step 3: The recipient receives current information until delivery

After delivery, GLS still sends e-mail information to recipients.

They will learn, for example, that their parcel was delivered to a selected Szybka Paczka/ ParcelShop point or to the address provided.

Availability :

FlexDeliveryService is available at national and international level for shipments between Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Finland, Germany, Norway, Great Britain, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania , Slovakia, Slovenia and Spain.

For domestic shipments, FlexDeliveryService can be connected to almost all additional services that GLS offers.

Please note that if you use CashService, IdentService, ExchangeService or DocumentReturnService, the recipient cannot redirect the parcel to the Szybka Paczka/ ParcelShop or agree to leave the parcel in the indicated place (without the recipient's signature).


The requirements that the sender must meet in order for GLS to activate this service are small: the recipient's consent must be obtained to use the e-mail address - through a clause in the Regulations or during the order process, then the appropriate email address must be forwarded to GLS via one of the shipping systems, finally, a label with 2D code should be generated via this system. If it proves difficult to meet these requirements, GLS will always be happy to help.

Just contact the relevant depot by phone or via the "Contact" option.

Modern technology supports the development of services. When the recipient selects a specific service, it also automatically turns on the appropriate IT process in GLS systems, such as assigning a new address label or redirecting a parcel to another branch. GLS uses the latest technology and self-developed solutions and programs.

The recipient pays for the goods at the time of delivery. GLS transfers payment to the sender.

COD - Cash on delivery from GLS: The recipient pays on delivery for the goods in cash or using the cashless payment methods available from GLS (available cashless option - card payment and BLIK).

GLS accepts money and transfers it securely and quickly to the sender's account - in less than seven business days from the date of delivery.

The COD service is available only domestically.

  • Less risk of non-payment, more security
  • Reliable, fast money transfers to your account
  • The maximum COD amount and limit of liability to PLN 6,000 per parcel have been set
  • Payment status visible in ADE-Plus
  • Receipt for the recipient

GLS delivers parcels directly to a department, office or person.

GLS delivers parcels not only to the general address of the company, but directly to the recipient's workplace - to the selected department, office or person.

Precise parcel delivery relieves internal mail and company warehouses while saving recipient's time.

  • Direct delivery of goods to specific people or places
  • Shorter transport time, "no detours"
  • Less internal mail in the recipient's office
  • A convenient solution for the recipient
  • Invoice sent directly to the appropriate person

Delivery and return of important documents.

GLS delivers domestic parcels, receives signed important documents and returns them to the sender - all within one order. With this service, senders can avoid difficulties in recovering original documents.

Immediate return of e.g. invoices or WZ documents saves time of both recipients and senders.

  • Delivery and immediate return of signed documents directly to the sender
  • Confirmation by the recipient
  • Quick and easy procedure

Delivery of shipments at the expense of the recipient

If the sender chooses the ExWorksService, the parcel will be delivered quickly and reliably as usual - but the transport fee will be transferred to the recipient.

  • Transport costs are covered by the recipient
  • The recipient receives a separate invoice
  • Delivery costs are paid in cash
  • The sender does not have to settle accounts with the recipient
  • Possibility of connecting to ExpressParcel and services with a defined delivery date

Moreover, the recipient can generate an invoice for the rendered ExWorksService by clicking the link . To generate the invoice the recipient should:

  • Enter the package number for which you want to generate an invoice
  • Enter your postal code
  • Enter your invoice information and generate the invoice
Remember! The invoice data can be edited only up to 7 days after the delivery. This also applies to adding a NIP number to the invoice. After 7 days the invoice will be issued based on system data taken from the delivery. To log in on MyGLS page, use the parcel number (it contains full 12 digits, with a control digit) and postal code of receipt.

Thanks to MyGLS the recipients will get their invoice easily!

Delivery of the parcel only to the indicated person after verification of identity.

GLS delivers the parcel only to the person indicated by the sender and only after confirming the identity.

The recipient acknowledges receipt of the parcel on a special identification form, a copy of which is sent to the sender.

If the need arises, GLS may ask the recipient to sign the documents attached to the parcel, thanks to which it is possible to e.g. deliver goods and sign the contract at the same time.

In the event that the identity documents do not match the data on the form, GLS will immediately contact the sender to clarify the situation

  • Delivery of a parcel after verification of an identity document
  • Recipient identification criteria can be individually defined
  • Delivery form with original signature
  • Return of other signed documents
  • Complete online delivery and return documentation

The recipient is free of charge and informed in advance by e-mail about the upcoming delivery.

GLS informs the recipients on an ongoing basis about the delivery of their shipments by e-mail - free of charge for both them and senders.

The vast majority of recipients receive information in advance about the day of delivery together with the expected three-hour time interval in which the shipment will be delivered.

InfoService is activated automatically - provided that the sender provides the recipient's e-mail address with the parcel details. In the event that delivery cannot take place as planned and GLS has received the recipient's mobile phone number, he will be notified via SMS about the actions taken - for example, leaving the parcel at the nearest Szybka Paczka/ ParcelShop.

In the case of shipments sent outside of Poland, messages are sent in English, French, Italian, German or Czech depending on the country in which the delivery is to take place.

  • Free service
  • The recipient receives information about the preparation and dispatch of the parcel
  • The recipient may choose an alternative form or date of delivery
  • More deliveries made directly to the delivery address, increasing customer satisfaction
  • Automatic activation (provided that GLS receives the recipient's email address)
  • Sending an SMS when the delivery cannot take place according to plan
  • For international shipments, messages also sent in English, French, Italian, German or Czech.

Notification of delivery by SMS.

GLS notifies the recipients via SMS about the delivery of domestic shipments.

Thanks to this service, recipients can check whether they will be able to collect the parcel from the courier in person.

The senders can independently create the text of the message and thus show a focus on customer needs.

The service can be combined with others, e.g. CashService, which will inform the recipient about the amount that should be prepared at the time of delivery.

  • Notification of recipients by SMS
  • Text creation by the sender
  • Possibility of connecting to the CashService - informing about the amount of pickup
  • Tracking all shipments online

Direct delivery to Quick Parcel point or Orlen parcel lockers.

GLS delivers parcels directly to Szybka Paczka points or Orlen parcel lockers. The recipient selects in advance the point to which the parcel is to be delivered. When the parcel is delivered, GLS informs the recipient by e-mail or SMS. The parcel can be picked up from the Szybka Paczka point or Orlen parcel lockers at a convenient time. The ShopDeliveryService is also available for shipments sent to Austria, Belgium, Denmark and Germany.

  • A practical alternative delivery option for people rarely at home
  • The solution is also beneficial for mobile employees
  • Informing the recipient that the parcel is waiting at the point via e-mail and / or SMS
  • Flexible parcel pickup option
  • Choice of more than 7,000 GLS Szybka Paczka points / ParcelShop points in Poland and more than 12,000 in Austria, Belgium, Denmark and Germany
  • Choice from more than 6,000 Orlen parcel lockers in Poland.

Third delivery attempt after two unsuccessful deliveries.

GLS will make a third delivery attempt at the sender's request.

If the first and second delivery attempts fail, senders may ask GLS for another delivery before sending the parcel back to them.

This service not only often helps prevent returns, but also shows your business orientation to your needs.

  • Additional delivery attempt
  • No need to re-prepare the shipment
  • Broadcasters can respond to customer needs


Parcel delivery and simultaneous collection of goods for return.

Efficient exchange of goods: GLS delivers the product at the same time receiving another, which is then transported to the GLS customer or to the address indicated.

The service can be used, for example, to make repairs: GLS provides replacements, receives defective goods and delivers them to the designated service. The courier will deliver the parcel to the recipient only if he receives the returned goods.

  • Economical combination of delivery and collection
  • Return label attached to the parcel with the new product
  • Easy and convenient service management for broadcasters and their clients
  • Exchange documentation thanks to parcel tracking

Collection of parcels and delivery to the customer.

Optimize returns management: GLS receives parcels from any address and delivers them to customers. Senders also have the option of setting a pickup date.

The address from which GLS will collect the parcel does not have to be in Poland. Any address in our network, whether in the country or in Europe, can be chosen.

Easy operation:

  • pickup order via shipping application or online
  • Full cost control
  • Reception in most European countries
  • Fast delivery time
  • Minimal effort in organizing return

Pickup from any address and delivery to the intended recipient.

GLS receives parcels from any address according to your wishes and delivers them directly to the intended recipient.

With Pick&ShipService, the parcel avoids unnecessary logistics: it is delivered, for example, directly from the supplier to the end customer or vice versa. Optimize order processing and logistics with the Pick&ShipService.

  • Lower transport, shipping and storage costs
  • Shorter delivery time
  • Simple order handling: ordering by fax or e-mail
  • Optimization of implementation procedures and order logistics
  • Full cost control

Return service: recipients can return their parcels free of charge.

If the recipient wants to return the goods, he can take the parcel to any Szybka Paczka / ParcelShop or Orlen parcel lockers, and GLS will deliver it to the sender.

The sender attaches the GLS return label to the shipment or sends it at the recipient's request as a self-printing file. The recipient simply sticks it on his parcel, which he carries to any Szybka Paczka / ParcelShop GLS point or Orlen parcel lockers. Sending the parcel back to him is free.

The service fee will be invoiced only if the recipient actually returns the parcel.

The service is also available for import parcels from Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Spain, Finland, France, Croatia, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Sweden, Slovenia and Slovakia.

  • A convenient solution for recipients and senders in the field of returns logistics.
  • Delivery of returned goods throughout Poland on the next business day.
  • Possibility of cross-border returns to many European countries.
  • Service fee charged only if the parcel is actually returned.
  • Continuous tracking of the status of the returned shipment.

Express services

Delivery of express parcels with a guaranteed delivery date.

GLS delivers urgent shipments by 10.00 or 12.00 the next business day.

Delivery with guaranteed delivery times is connected to ExpressParcel - an excellent solution for shipments that must reach the recipient within a specified time.

  • Guaranteed delivery time for urgent shipments
  • Greater flexibility due to various optional delivery times
  • Money back guarantee
  • Service available for selected postal codes

Delivery of urgent parcels on Saturday combined with ExpressParcel.

Sending weekend parcel: Saturday domestic GLS delivery - until the end of the business day or before 10.00 or 12.00.

Delivery on Saturday can be ordered in conjunction with ExpressParcel in many parts of Poland - ideal when it comes to posting urgent parcels.

  • Express delivery on Saturday
  • It increases your flexibility
  • An ideal solution for particularly demanding customers
  • Money back guarantee

Additional fees

Increasing costs in the provision of transport services caused by the high dynamics of fuel prices, make it necessary to charge additional fee such as fuel surcharge.

The toll is added to the basic cost of shipment transport and results from changes in the structure of supplies in non-urban areas.

In order to ensure the highest quality of services and safety of transported parcels, GLS Poland was forced to introduce additional charges for customers.