Czeladz is a city located in the Silesian province. It has a little over 31,500 inhabitants. There are 6 conveniently located GLS Szybka Paczka points here. One of them is also a branch of GLS Poland, located at 3 Szyb 3, 41-250 Czeladz. The outlets available in the city allow its residents to comfortably send and receive shipments. Check out how to use GLS courier services in Czelad

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The Szybka Paczka points - Czeladź

To find out where the nearest Szybka Paczka point is, go to the GLS search engine and enter your city or zip code. The system will show you specific points and mark them on the map. You will also find out what hours and days each outlet is open. In Czeladz you will successfully send and receive domestic and international shipments. Those sent domestically reach the recipients even on the second day - it all depends on the distance and the time when the package is handed over to the courier. In turn, international shipments are delivered within 2-6 business days.

Courier companies in Czeladz, but also any other city, require proper preparation of the package before shipping. GLS is no different. This is an important point if you want your package to reach the recipient safely. So read the terms and conditions available on the GLS website. The courier in Czeladz and any other city accepts parcels weighing up to 31.5 kg and those whose total dimension is less than 300 cm (this is the sum of the circumference of the parcel and the length of its longest side).

Use the search engine available on our website to check where to send or receive courier shipments in Czeladz closest to you.

Szybka Paczka points map

Parcel shipping - Czeladź

Thanks to GLS Szybka Paczka Points, courier shipments in Czeladź have never been so easy to send and receive. To use the service, you need to bring a pre-packed parcel to the selected point. If you don't have anything to pack it in, choose an establishment that also offers the possibility to pack the parcel on the spot. The next step is to fill out the label you receive at the point and stick it on the package. When sending a parcel, you will also receive a tracking number, which will allow you to check on the GLS website where your parcel is currently located.

The tracking number also allows you to conveniently redirect your shipment. This is a convenient option for people who are unable to predict whether they will be at the indicated address when the courier shows up. If you are not so sure, change the pickup address or indicate the nearest Szybka Paczka point to visit at your convenience. Picking up a parcel at a point is all the more convenient, as often these locations are placed in stores and service establishments, which entails longer opening hours and availability also on Saturdays.

the courier is delivering a parcel

Global parcels

Learn how to send a parcel ouside the Europe

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Internacional parcels

Learn how to send parcel to European countries