
On this page, you will be able to register to receive the GLS Track and Trace API Key. With this key, you will have continued access to our tracking information.

What will change?

Usage of the API Key

Please ensure that, once you have obtained the key, you include the header 'x-api-key' with the API Key as its value in your existing requests. This will enable us to authenticate and authorize your requests. Any request missing this header will not be processed.

For the security and integrity of your data, it is imperative that you keep your API Key confidential and refrain from sharing it with others.

API endpoint domain change

To continue using the API, you will have to change to the following:

  • https://api-tt.de.gls-group.com/app/service/open/rest/{country}/{language}/rstt001
  • https://api-tt.de.gls-group.com/app/service/open/rest/{country}/{language}/rstt002/{tuNumber}

curl -X GET "https://api-tt.de.gls-group.com/app/service/open/rest/DE/en/rstt001?match=123456789" \ -H "x-api-key: your_api_key_here"

How do I register?

Below you will find a form which you may fill out and receive the API Key on the email used on the form.

I have questions

If you have inqueries about the GLS Track and Trace API Key, fell free to reach out to our support mailbox: itservice-customer@gls-group.eu .