Reliable parcel delivery

Sending by GLS means fast and secure delivery of parcels within defined standard delivery times. Parcels in local traffic usually arrive at their destination within 24 hours, and in foreign transport, delivery times are generally between 24 and 96 hours.

GLS delivery of multiple parcels

Cost of transportation

The exact cost amount for parcel delivery depends on your preferences and needs. If you send parcels on a regular basis, GLS Advisers will send you an individual offering of a combination of products and services that meet your needs. As a result of this approach, you can only get what you really need, and it will be reflected in the price of transportation.

GLS courier entering vehicle

Fuel charge

GLS Croatia calculates fuel surcharges on a monthly basis, according to the change in the Consumer Price Index for fuels and lubricants for passenger cars of the Central Bureau of Statistics or according to a valid offer. Once the fuel price has been published, GLS determines the current fuel surcharge.

Special delivery areas


Island delivery schedule


List of countries with NON EUR currency code


Standard product and service list


Diesel surcharge

YearMonthDiesel price according to the consumer prices index (EUR)

For further information, please contact our Sales department via e-mail: